At Maynard we truly strive to function as a family, working to be good stewards of what God has given us, and growing closer to God through the study of His Holy Word.
MBC welcomes people from all walks of life. Our Church body is made up of people who want to become more like Christ, and want to learn more about living a life that pleases God, and those who desire to grow in love, compassion, and service to the community.
Our desire is for all to know the Lord, grow in faith in Him and share our faith in God with the world around us. In order to achieve this mission we will:
Strive to be an open-door church, actively reaching out and welcoming all persons, regardless of age, race, color, history, and national origin.
Give our very best efforts towards our weekly corporate worship services.
Provide opportunities for service, outreach, and improvement in our community as well as in the global community of which we are a part.
Model the body of Christ in our inclusiveness of the gifts of all persons and in our relationships with one another as a covenant community, as well as in our daily living.